
Always try to avoid fights and arguments, even if you can win. Courage lies in the wisdom of knowing when the fight will gain you something and when it won't. And losing a fight that is worthless, is actually winning it. Always quantify and prioritize judgment over will. Sometimes it takes more courage to not fight. That's where you overpower your will to overpower your opponent and your judgment triumphs. Will is a reaction, while judgment is a decision. If a grasshopper tries to fight a lawnmower, one might appreciate his bravery, but not his judgment.

Let's say you didn't seek the fight, but the fight came to you. Someone sits on your seat and refuses to get up, someone bumps into your car and starts shouting at you.
These are the situations where usually the action begins. And post action, comes the common explanation i.e. "They didn't give me a choice". I say it's foolish and false. False that there existed no other option; and foolish to increase the tempo of the fight when nothing is at stake. What could you possibly lose if you just drive away from the man shouting at you? Well, you do lose something there; i.e. your ego.

But do people really like to lose their very dear ego? Not often. Nobody likes to lose a fight and look like a coward right? Let me tell you where exactly lies the courage and cowardice. Cowardice lies in the heart of a man who chooses to fight. It is so, because first, when you pick a fight, you declare a defeat of your judgment over your will. And second, you portray that you do not have the courage to resolve the matter. While the one trying to avoid the fight is portraying a keen effort to resolve the matter with peace and has a clear-headed control over his will and senses. A perfect portrayal of a personality having inner strength and self-reliance; 'courageous' enough to withstand hostility and aggression without being reactive.

I do not find any sense when people say 'fight with courage'. Fighting does not make you courageous but picking your battles does.
You do not have to show up to every argument you are invited to. One should always realize that it is a senseless fight if you're not losing or saving something at the end of it. To be mentioned duly, if there is something at stake, do fight for it. It is always wise to fight for something or someone dear.

The rise in tension of fights is always directly proportional to the size of ego, and inversely to the logic. After a point in a fight, you are no longer fighting for the cause, but to save your ego from damage. There occur numerous thinkable events happening around us on the same blueprint. But trust me, punching back the guy just because they punched you first, won't gain you anything.

In my advice, next time you encounter a fight and want to teach that jerk a lesson, just walk away. And you have just taught him a lesson hundred punches could never do. Forgiveness is the biggest gesture of love. A generous heart and a kind speech will get you through more fights than your rock fists and warm head will ever do.

Do good and be good, peace! :-)

How is it?